
Thinking sucks

I feel...: pensive
Jammin' to: My Chemical Romance *Vampires Will Never Hurt You*
So I was thinking last night (yes my head now hurts lol), and I realised that I don't like telling other people what music groups I listen to. Like, almost if I tell them that, it reveals something about me that maybe I don't want the world to know...like I hate doing finals in Concert Choir, because I like to do songs I know by the artists I love, but when it comes time to say, "Hey I'm [Remus] and I'm doing [a song] by [an artist]" it's like, I can't tell them that, it's too intimate, I don't want them to have something else to judge me by.
Huh. It's the damn judgement complex again. It all comes back to that, doesn't it?

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