
Randomness ensues...

I feel...: energetic
Jammin' to: Social Distortion *Reach for the Sky*
Yeah... nothing really going on *again*. Ahh the boring life I lead.
Madame keeps talking to my counselor 'cause I'm not doing homework. As much as I complain about her, she seems to be the only teacher I've got that actually seems to care about her students. Fear not, there's nothing goin on to be worried about, I just either forget that I've got homework, or I just don't feel like doing it. Lazy asses unite!
Erm... oh! The two highest choirs at my school went to Choral Festival Tuesday, and what did we get? Ooooh this made my day: The top choir, VE, got a two... and CC (*no* cross-country) got a ONE!!! OH! IN YOUR FACE VE!!!!
Now that that's out of my system...PMSing again... still... perpetually... if you value your life don't piss me off.
Hmm... yeah.
That is all.
PS Oh yeah! I'm goin' to Warped Tour! Woot! First good concert and I get to see loads of bands! *does happy dance* Erm... *is scared of herself and runs away*


Christmas in March beats Christmas in July...but Christmas in December kicks both their asses

I feel...: sleepy
Jammin' to: System of a Down *BYOB*
Cool day.
Met a bunch of my mom's friends from when she was in like high school. It was great.
K so that was today.
In other news...
Going to see my "immediate" family Friday, we're *finally* gonna have Christmas, should be great, ma famille est tres bizarre...Got back on touch with a friend from camp last summer, it's been great, we've been able to vent like we hadn't previously been able to. Add to it that he's one of the guys I'm crushing on. Bleargh.
Damn I'm tired. I'm going to bed now.
That is all.


Damn It!

I feel...: bitchy
Jammin' to: The end of The Phantom of hte Opera
So I said last entry that I think I've got another crush? Do you think I can remember who it is? Fuck no!
Oh, wait, nevermind, I remember.
That is all.