
The Joys of Being Home for Break

I uncovered a couple gems this week at home.

In elementary school, my then-best friend and I decided we should spy on the boys at recess and record our findings. Well, I found them and re-read them and...wow. Most definitely written by a fourth grader. Well no, I take that back. It's pretty bad for a fourth grader. Writing seems to be the only area I've really improved and excelled in fairly consistently. Sad when you consider how bad it all still is.

I also rediscovered my journal from the South Dakota trip. Most of what it did was remind me of some things we did and said. But it also made me realise just how much one's thoughts and feelings can change in a short time.

So, dear reader, you tell me. Should I go ahead and type them up and post them? Or are they better left to your imagination (and my file cabinet)?

My Chemical Romance yet again sum me up. I knew I loved them for a reason.

I Don't Love You
My Chemical Romance

Well when you go

Don't ever think I'll make you try to stay
And maybe when you get back
I'll be off to find another way

When after all this time that you still owe
You're still, the good-for-nothing I don't know
So take your gloves and get out
Better get out
While you can

When you go
Would you even turn to say
"I don't love you
Like I did

Sometimes I cry so hard from pleading
So sick and tired of all the needless beating
But baby when they knock you
Down and out
It's where you oughta stay

And after all the blood that you still owe
Another dollar's just another blow

So fix your eyes and get up
Better get up
While you can
Whoa, whooa

When you go
Would you even turn to say
"I don't love you
Like I did

Well come on, come on

When you go
Would you have the guts to say
"I don't love you
Like I loved you

I don't love you
Like I loved you

I don't love you
Like I loved you


Happy Thanksgiving Back

Today has so far been a day of movie quotes, stupid floats, and other family idiocy. The local Turkey Day parade was meh - a Macy's wannabe and epic failure. My mom and I have been trading movie quotes all day, even going so far as to do an entire scene from You've Got Mail this morning. We managed to bugger up my aunt's garbage disposal in the process of preparing dinner, and in this family, that is an awfully big adventure.

We started with just trying the disposal again, figuring the inner workings could straighten everything out. After all, that's what In-Sink-Erators are for, right? Apparently not. The water went everywhere and looked something like watery vomit. So we tried next door looking for a plunger. Great plan, shit execution. The rubber was no spring chicken. My other aunt happened to call, and as she doesn't live too far away the third aunt ran over to grab another better plunger. Glory be, she had one. It worked to a certain extent, but a seal was pretty unattainable. After a few more spewings things seemed to move through. Adventures.

The turkey's cooking. Casseroles are waiting to be popped into the oven. The upstairs is being "organised." We're lamenting the pitiful football performance (why we had any hope is beyond me). Not a bad day, really.

May your day of giving thanks for what you've got be as adventure- and fun-filled as this. After all, it is a holiday.



A Thought for this Blustery Day

Adults say "no" because there're too many risks. Kids do what they do because of the risks.

What brought this to mind? Sardines. Not the nasty little fish, the game. (For those who don't know, sardines is something like reverse hide-and-seek: one or two people hide, then the rest of the group looks for them. When they find the person hiding, they join them in the spot. The last person to the spot gets to hide next.) Apparently sardines is now unfit for kids to play because guys and girls may get together in the course of a game. Yes, it may have happened. But to the majority of us, that thought didn't even occur to us as we played. We were too busy looking for who was hiding and hoping not to be last. If someone wants to leave for alone time, let 'em - on the basis that they let someone know. They're gonna leave anyway, obviously, so why make it a big deal?

Sorry...just thought I'd throw that out there. If anyone wants to argue it, comment.


Oh the Weather Outside is Frightful...

The first sticking snow of the season came last night. When I woke up, I couldn't figure out what the globs of white on the grass were until I really looked. I keep telling you - I'm a genius.

Now, as I stare out my window, watching the flakes fall and begin to stick, I look forward to the inevitable snowball fights and shenanigans that accompany Midwest winters. Eventually, those of us on the Japanese floor will try to get sensei to enjoy the snow and not worry about the cold so much.

Baby, it's cold outside. But here inside the res hall, it's pleasantly warm - especially in the kitchen. We're celebrating an early Thanksgiving. Simply because we can. We invited sensei - her first Thanksgiving. How exciting. Wonder if there'll be a prayer...

The flakes are falling harder and thicker now, but not enough yet for the powdered-sugar effect. Perhaps tomorrow morning. How beautiful would that be.


Alright, alright

I'll actually post an entry proper.

Ankle update: it's nasty swollen and feels all jammed. Don't worry, I won't mess it up more - my lovely personal nurse Charlotte's stopping me doing much of anything. I need more ice packs though. =/

I started watching Family Ties today - me like. My main qualm is the laugh track which, unfortunately, isn't a track. I just don't like being told when to laugh, y'know? It's a good show though.

Also checked out The Hard Way on YouTube - a Michael J Fox-James Woods movie about a movie star who follows a cop for research for a role. Highly entertaining, and Fox and Woods are a good combo. I'd watch it again, but I'd rather not have to search for each ensuing part.

As far as books are concerned, I've not been reading much. Mostly stuff for school. Gunslinger still hasn't been touched.

Speaking of school, it's not going too badly. Finals are a little over a month away - wow. Hard to believe I'm already almost halfway through my sophomore year of college. (Yes, I probably will say this at every semester-end.) But now I know what I want to do: history. British, to be precise. I'll probably end up taking classes on other countries/regions later, but for now, that's my focus. Eventually I'll get an education cert and teach...somewhere. Hey, at least I have a major.

Don't remember if I mentioned this on here before, but I started getting therapy a month ago for depression, and let me just say - it rocks. Lots of stuff has come up that I've never really given a lot of thought to and how it's all related. In a nutshell, it seems that every route in my mind has a wall in the way, and I think I've started the process of chipping away at them.

Wow English dubs of anime are bad.

And I'm beginning to realise that this blog seems to be an outlet for my dormant narcissism. I'll try to work on more meaningful entries, like the one about the seasons.

I need sleep.

Peace out.


How much is that genius in the corner...

Yup. Pure genius. I fell down the stairs today. I had just been thinking to myself how ridiculously narrow the stairs in the building were, when the ball of my foot didn't quite make it onto the next stair and then I was at the bottom of the flight. Still had one more to go, so once I caught my breath I hobbled down it, only to come within inches of fainting a few seconds later. I somehow managed to pull myself out of that one, and hobbled my way out to a waiting golfcart to head to Health Services, where I got droogs and a wrap. Not broken, thank the Lord, but nicely sprained and twisted. According to Yume-san, there were a couple of buggered-up ligaments on the outside of my foot. I haven't looked at it since it was wrapped, but I'm sure it's nicely swollen and bruised. Still throbs every once and a while, but I can gingerly put my weight on it so far. Stairs, surprisingly enough, aren't really an issue.

I am so awesome.