
The "Disjointed Thoughts" Panel is Now Closed.


Every summer, for one week only, I counsel at the camp I used to attend. Some would say (me included, on some days) that I'm not especially suited to the job - the form of Christianity I "practise" is rather far from what they'd likely prefer (but they keep asking me back so whatever). But I keep doing it, because I want to and I figure it's something I ought to do. One of my campers from this past summer wrote to me in December. And let me tell you - that letter was full of difficult stuff. The terrible person in me hasn't replied yet - I haven't yet figured out how. I don't know what to say. I need to write her back though, for both our peace of mind. I need to feel like I've at least tried to do something. I don't know.

A kid I knew at church before I graduated went to NY to try his hand on stage and screen. As far as I can tell, he's been busy, but not a blockbuster. But I worry about him; where he's at, how he is, what life's throwing at him. I miss him.

I had my dorm room to myself this weekend, as did my suitemate. Our roommates had gone to an anime convention for the weekend, and let me tell you, silence has never been so golden. I was finally able to vent my many frustrations about my suitemate with my best friend...and we realised, through thick and thin, we're stuck with each other. There's been plenty of internal turmoil in the relationship recently, but we're still tight. I like that. It's good to know that even when one of us *cough*usuallyme*cough* starts shit, we muck through it and fling it at whoever tries to follow. Anyway, my room's again full of people. I need to start a curfew - after such-and-such a time, exuent omnes, I need down time, yo.

So far, keeping up with homework's going decently. It's beginning to be a half-assed job, but I think a lot of that is my current mood. With any luck it'll change this week and I'll actually do what I'm supposed to. What a concept.

Did I already throw the gist of my new story-idea-thing up here? I don't remember. *checks* Yup, there it is. Down there.

I'm pretty much obsessed now with The Mentalist. I need a life outside of TV, movies, and literature, I think. Make my human interactions a bit more interesting.

As far as guys are concerned...I'm as pathetic as ever.

I'm running out of things to say, so I'm surrendering.


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