
Pass the Kleenex

I feel...: not a drop of energy left...
Jammin' to: My Chemical Romance *Our Lady of Sorrows*
K, well...still nothing really to report, so I'm just gonna do what I do best and ramble a bit.
I'm gonna be totally depressed tonight, by bestest friend in the history of the world (part two) graduates tonight and I'm not gonna see her again 'til her gradumation party on Sunday, but after that, who knows? It really sucks 'cause she and I are really close, I mean, she knows more about me than anyone, and I know a lot about her (I won't presume to know more about her than anyone, I dunno who else she's used as a therapist), and she's like my psych and I use her as a sounding board for story ideas, and to figure out my problems ('cause Lord knows I've got problems...)...I'm really gonna miss you lady.
And for those who don't know who I'm talking about...she's none other than Meddy dahling, man she and I've been tight this year. It all started when my mom and I were having a few issues...I kinda vented to her a lot, even though we were like just friends, like barely friends...then we got to trusting each other more, then at the height of my craving for the stage she became my confidant. She was the only one to know just how bad I wanted to be somebody else for a while (still do, come to that), and we just got tighter and tighter from there. I began to trust her with more and more, and I mean stuff that I'd never told anyone before (and some I still haven't...and don't plan to 'til I get over one of my biggest problems...it's a judgement complex, 'case you didn't know), and she even knows about a very serious (though not at the moment) problem of mine...don't ask, I'm not telling, I only told her because I thought I'd figured out why I wanted to be the kind of character on stage that I do (if that made any sense) and I told her what I thought it was, and she said this little *unidentified* problem as a joke in response to the definition I'd given her, and I said, "Well, actually, yeah..." and she was just like "Holy shit..." but we're getting through it...I hope...won't know for a while, at any rate...all I know is that it isn't worth the stress to do it anymore, too much paranoia that comes...now, before I accidently spill, I'm gonna kinda change the subject. So she's felt obligated to share stuff with me, but I was like it's no big deal, really, no strings attached here...but she told me stuff anyway and I was like wow...but it's cool, I love her and I'm gonna miss her next year.
Meddy -- the best of luck in all you do, dahling. You kick serious ass and are one of the nicest people I know, the most trustworthy friend of mine, and I give you high praise for putting up with my family...lol. Stay true to you lady! You rock! As only the best (second) hottest guy said, "Be yourself, don't take anyone's [and I mean ANYONE] shit and never let them take you alive..." Don't you dare change, I'm likely to go postal on your ass if you do, and you don't wanna see Remus go postal...Well, this is basically the same thing I wrote in your yearbook, so I'm peacin'.
Love ya kid
That is all.
Peace out

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