
Who Wants to be a Writer? Now playing for $1 million, we have Remus...and now the question...

I feel...: artistic
Jammin' to: MCR *Our Lady of Sorrows*
K, I totally had a reason for updating, but I'll be damned if I can remember why...OH, I remember!
Yeah, I'm gonna write a book about this last school year. I won't have the money to go get it published and stuff, but I'm gonna make it look nice and just give it to friends. Gonna be lame, sure -- if you've never met me. Even if I'm the only one to ever have a copy, it'll be fun to find in the attic in thirty years...
I can see it now...*thinks* Hey, what's this box here? *opens it* What the -- *pulls out small stack of papers* Hey, I remember this! *reads* Wow... what th- did I really do that? Did those people really come from my mind? Damn...
So yeah. That's what I'm doing.
And now I'm done here for now.
Peace kids.
That is all.

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