
*waves awkwardly*

So I was browsing the blogroll of a blogger I read fairly regularly, and what to my wondering eyes should appear but the name of this li'l ol' blog. I'd be willing to bet that hits have not increased due to this phenomenon, but on the off-chance...

If you wound up here from OCICBW... I hope you don't expect very eloquent, reasonable, or relevant entries. This sucker's up here for my poor 20-year-old brain to let the teen emotions run rampant. It's my free space where I can bitch and moan about things that really don't need it, and generally be petty (and as far as the basket case is concerned, pathetic). Occasionally I have thoughts that could be expanded upon, but that rarely happens, so good luck finding those entries.

Right. Disclaimer over. If you're new - welcome to the idiocy, and good luck getting out again.


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