
An Extremely Short Treatise on PotO

As in Phantom of the Opera.

I hate Christine. There, it's out. At first, sure, she's all well and good...but then, after seeing the Phantom's face, she's all superficial and "Ew, he's ugly! Bleah!" Well, ok, so he was a tad harsh and pissed off, but who wouldn't be if someone you loved saw your true appearance and hated you for it? She just bugs the shit out of me.

In case you couldn't tell, the Phantom is my favourite character. Even with his mildly bad temper (heh) he's got good reason for it. Most people don't. (Well done Monsieur Leroux.) I won't go too deeply into why, but I love him.

And then...there's the poorest bastard of the lot. Raoul. All he does is go after the woman he loves, and still gets the shit end of the stick. In my humble opinion, he's the best character. Not my favourite, but a good man.

I told you it was short.

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