
Maundy, Maundy

Some quick things that'd flitted through my mind in the last couple of hours.

My bad-student half kicked my ass two-fold tonight. I'd wanted to go to a Maundy Thursday service, but because I've skipped classes quite enough I couldn't. My own fault, I admit that completely. Insult to injury was going over the papers we handed in last week. Mine sucked - again, all me. Doesn't change how it pisses me off/depresses me/make me just want to jump around and scream.

I probably should be packing stuff to cart home this weekend. Three guesses what I'm doing tomorrow morning before I go to breakfast.

If I say 'Michigan,' what do you think of? Allow me. Detroit and the recently-raided terrorists. Bloody hell. No wonder the state is in such a shambles. We have piss-poor public image. No one ever hears about the budding wind farms, or the gorgeous areas not on the lakeshores, or the many many many historical sites. 'Course not. The media only ever blathers on about Detroit and Christian terrorists. (Those could easily get another full entry from me, if I should decide to devote the time and energy. Don't count on it.) And so we come full circle to how I feel about the media and society generally and I don't intend to go into that right now.

Last night was good - in bed by a reasonable time, not up until ten (we'll ignore that I hit snooze several times prior to actually getting up). And yet, here I sit, exhausted and falling asleep, and it's quarter to twelve. Mon Dieu. What kind of college student am I??

...don't answer that.

Right - I'll be going home tomorrow, as I believe I've said, which means no interwebz again until Monday afternoon. So, lucky for you, this sucker'll be dormant for a bit. Probably just as well.

Since I won't 'see' you until then - To those of you of the Christian persuasion, have a blessed Easter, and to those of you of the Jewish persuasion, have a blessed Passover, and to the rest of you, just have a blessed weekend. Whether you believe in blessings or not doesn't mean you can't be blessed.

Ten bucks says I'll see that in the morning and wonder how I ever thought that made sense.


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