I'll actually post an entry proper.
Ankle update: it's nasty swollen and feels all jammed. Don't worry, I won't mess it up more - my lovely personal nurse Charlotte's stopping me doing much of anything. I need more ice packs though. =/
I started watching Family Ties today - me like. My main qualm is the laugh track which, unfortunately, isn't a track. I just don't like being told when to laugh, y'know? It's a good show though.
Also checked out The Hard Way on YouTube - a Michael J Fox-James Woods movie about a movie star who follows a cop for research for a role. Highly entertaining, and Fox and Woods are a good combo. I'd watch it again, but I'd rather not have to search for each ensuing part.
As far as books are concerned, I've not been reading much. Mostly stuff for school. Gunslinger still hasn't been touched.
Speaking of school, it's not going too badly. Finals are a little over a month away - wow. Hard to believe I'm already almost halfway through my sophomore year of college. (Yes, I probably will say this at every semester-end.) But now I know what I want to do: history. British, to be precise. I'll probably end up taking classes on other countries/regions later, but for now, that's my focus. Eventually I'll get an education cert and teach...somewhere. Hey, at least I have a major.
Don't remember if I mentioned this on here before, but I started getting therapy a month ago for depression, and let me just say - it rocks. Lots of stuff has come up that I've never really given a lot of thought to and how it's all related. In a nutshell, it seems that every route in my mind has a wall in the way, and I think I've started the process of chipping away at them.
Wow English dubs of anime are bad.
And I'm beginning to realise that this blog seems to be an outlet for my dormant narcissism. I'll try to work on more meaningful entries, like the one about the seasons.
I need sleep.
Peace out.
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