1. So how did you come up with your blogging name? And/or the name of your blog?
The blogging name says (in what is likely bad Japanese grammar) CoffeeCousin, as a nod to CoffeePastor over on Philosophy over Coffee. The rest of my "About Me" are my various other monikers, depending on the situation (or, in the case of Remuck, bad typing ability). As for the URL for this page (remusrantsandraves), I meant this to be the place where I could complain and not worry about anyone coming across it. But, me being me, I shared the link and then, after my first blog went kaput, this became the main one. The title up there (and subtitle) is a quote from Sweeney Todd, which I used because the background here looks like wallpaper and it seemed appropriate.
2. Are there any code names or secret identities in your blog? Any stories there?
Oh man, this blog's got codenames coming out every orifice. Charlotte, Meddy, l.c.h. and others are all the same person. Masbeth, Arty, Maureen, dead babies and sasparilla, and others are another person. Dave, Cornholio, and "him" are a third person. There are stories behind them, yes, but too long for a meme.
3. What are some blog titles that you just love? For their cleverness, drama, or sheer, crazy fun?
Letters from Kamp Krusty, simply because of the Kamp Krusty reference.
4. What three blogs are you devoted to?
Letters from Kamp Krusty, The Secret Confessions of Lady Charlotte Hargreaves and Philosophy over Coffee. Yup.
5. Who introduced you to the world of blogging and why?
No one actually said, "OMG blog!!1!!!!one!!" But I knew of a couple people with blogs, and I liked the idea, so I started one.
Bonus question: Have you ever met any of your blogging friends? Where are some of the places you've met these fun folks?
Not technically a friend, I just lurk on his blog, but Brant would probably be pretty sweet. Everyone else I knew pre-blog, so they don't count. Sorry kids.
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