Dear Mom:
I feel like there are some things that need to be said.
You mentioned the other night (or whenever it was, it was fairly recently) that my style has changed dramatically over the past few years. I've been churning this over mentally, and come to the conclusion that that's not entirely correct. Yes, I have gone more for black, for red eyeliner, for Hot Topic, for louder music, for heavier music, just since sophomore year. Seems like a dramatic change just from my freshman year of high school, eh? Not really. Sure, I've changed my outward style. But I've always been this way on the inside. It's only been recently that I've grown the balls to let that style be known. The attitude, the immaturity, the's all been there this whole time. I was just too afraid of what the world (and you) would say, would think. While I come off (hopefully) as nonchalant or uncaring when someone openly disapproves, it hits deep. Anytime I do something that I know someone disapproves of, all I can think is, I hope I don't see them while I'm like this. It stays with me. For years, and even now, I've been afraid of that. Why don't I share half the thoughts that go through my brain? Why don't I share details of conversations I've had? Why don't I share the stuff I've written? Why didn't I let on when I started listening to WRIF? I was afraid you'd disapprove. The first time we ventured into Hot Topic, I probably seemed a little tense, or uncomfortable. That was more because I was afraid of what your reaction to the store was than what was in it. I felt perfectly at home. (Well, perhaps perfectly isn't the right word, but you get my point.) Now, however, I see that that fear was misplaced. (Is that the right word?) And that's allowed my metaphorical balls to grow and become what they are today - bigger than most men. At least I'd like to think so.
Another random tidbit. (We're going into debt so I can have some quality introspective time, you'll notice.) You've been right for years. Really. About (almost) everything. I'm just a prideful dorkwad who won't admit when she's wrong. But we knew that. I've known you were right. So it's not some big revelation that every person has when they get to college, or after for some people. I just figured I should share this and explain.
And now for an exercise in trust. It's nothing to do with you, I promise. I'm about to send you the link to this on AIM. I realise that that shouldn't be a big deal, that I should have no qualms in sharing this, that that's a chickenshit way to deal with what's ultimately my complex (or whatever the term'd be). You want to read some of the crap I've written? Click the link under "Who Am I?" and from there, click on "Camelot." There you are. There's the insanity and stuff that I'm not necessarily proud came out of my mind. It's not everything, far from it. But it's a start. But I ask one thing: if you disapprove, don't let on. You know I love to write (and it's not all that dark, I promise - that's just what's been typed up) and I'd hate to have that poisoned too. But I will talk about it, 'cause I like talking it out. Works better than mental brainstorming, anyway.
Good God this is a downer.
Snow needs to bugger off.
Love ya, and thanks for putting up with me for eighteen years. You deserve a fecking metal.
PS I'd have signed with my name, but for the anonymity issue...My apologies for that.
I love snow! I wasnt a fecking metal too, please!
It's 5am I should still be writing this unfinished paper. Everything outside is SO loud in the morning!! omg!
I just typed "this was funny yet informative" then i earsed it. Good God, I'm analyzing your blog all englishy-like. hahaha
Anyway, that's very insightful, my love, and ur balls are definietly very large - I can atest to this.
I have dressed oddly since the 8th grade - I used to go around telling me mom that I decided I want to dress in all black so i had to buy all new cltohes. lol She must have (and probably did....and still....) thinks Im crazy. I love expressing the way I am through my dress and that way is constantly changing - i think its because im crazy.
The first week of school as a freshie I was a complete outfit of only one color, diff. everyday. In 8th grade I wore only black, had some chains on occasion, wore spikes and also had an american flag tied around my arm. Very interesting type of goth, i suppose, lmao and now thats completely diff. I love stripes, currently, and colors but also i still love spikes. and im defintely NOt patriotic - unless its for some other country. heehee
I dont think I ever had the mindset of a goth (maybe i used to be emo? still am sometimes? But my usually my crazy hyper love outweighs everything else haha) but I just like to dress that way and admrie people who do. Its a style that (usually) refelcts their feelings. And those feels make for a helluva good writting dont they?
My moms read all my twisted shit, she likes it. lol I think she thinks im cool. Or she's worried and hides it really well. lmao
And all these awesome (and not awesome) things about myself I've always admited. I get them right there in the open, and when i meet people i tend to lay all my cards on the table. Maybe thats not really outgoing, maybe that just terrible fear of rejection - which i know i have (recent example I can think of and no, its not involving you, miss egotistical haha jk anyway...) Perhaps thats why (most) everythings just out there on my sleeve, so people can see me for who i am and i have less chance of getting hurt.
But please know that I love my friends loyally to the end, and when someone close to me hurts me (yes this was you) -and i know its not good - but i can never go back to how things used to be, i can try but it never seems the same to me. I usually never forgive people that hurt me, or my friends, which is also probably not good. But Im usually so close to them that I cant help but not want to let go. (Zelda anyone?) I can honestly say that I hold my firends first in my life and tell them so and if they ever cross me it hurts me horribley. And im not talking a little fight, Im talking somthing big. Beytral, i guess, among other things. But hun, even thoguh you think ur all whatever, i love you so much and you must know I even admire you. Im trying really hard to still be awesome with you but i think it'l take a little time - i must let you know it still feels a little weird and im still hurting some times. Which comes from forgiving, i guess, something ive never experienced before. lol
I also think thats one reason i purposley hurt Zelda. Even if he didnt mean to or know about, he hurt me so much and i hated him for it. Now I could never go back.
DO you know how good it is that you can write everything out like this? Even though you cant bring urself to talk about it - which comes with time please trust me - at least you can write. And boy, can you write. You dont keep it bottle up inside - the way you can express it is through writting. It's a beautiful thing.
All of this doesnt really have anything to do with anything, does it? I apologize, I'm REALLY tired.
Yes, I did post that at about 6am. I spent an hour writting that. Not really. It was really about 5:30 when I started typing that. And I went through several drafts. lol Hokay, zo thats also not true either, but its a line from "The American President". heeehee
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