
I Seriously Scare Me.

If you could get away with it completely, would you murder someone?
Excellent question. I'll get back to you.

When was the last time you had sex...and enjoyed it?
*grumbles* never...

Who pissed you off really bad recently?
Me. As per usual.

Do you know what veal is?
Mmhmm, and as sucky as the method is to get it, it's damn good.

Was your last ex good in bed?

Have you ever flashed a TV camera on a live show?

What's something dumb you've done alone that you've never told anyone about?
I can't think of anything, but even if I could, why would I tell?

Do you like the movie theater?
Very much so. Except when it's fucking one degree out and I have to walk. That sucked.

Is squash really good or horribly gross?
Pumpkin's good, other than that, ew.

Who was the BEST kisser you've ever kissed with?

Would you kiss them right now?

Who had the worst kiss you've ever experienced?

Rough and Passionate or Sweet and Romantic?
All of the above.

Do you wish on shooting stars?
Yeah - I wish to actually see a shooting star. I always manage to miss the bastards.

Have you ever built a snow fort larger than 6 feet?
Well, it wasn't six feet high, but Jen and I (and maybe Alissa, can't remember) made a sweet fort of tunnels that was probably six feet altogether. That was pretty badass.

What's your favorite thing to do while waiting for someone to call/arrive?
Pace nervously. I'm weird, I know.

Have you ever microwaved a CD?
I'm with Brandon on this one...

Would you have sex with any of your friends right now?

What is more important...looks or personality?
Personality, but looks certainly don't hurt. I'm shallow, I know.

Can you tie a cherry stem with your tounge?
Me no liek cherries.

Do you have a stuffed animal you sleep with at night?
Well, they're not animals, but I sleep with a couple plushies.

Ever piss your pants over the age of 13?
Don't think so.

Have any phobias?

Can you take off belts/pants with your mouth?
Haven't tried, but it doesn't seem that difficult.

Are you able to multitask?

First Reaction: One Word Only!
Blood: yum.
Marshmallow: michelin.
Tape: scotch.
Money: ew.
Desire: painful.
Lust: sucks.
Envy: greed. (what the fuck.)
Murder: good. (*admits self to psych ward* You think I'm kidding on that?)
Cookie: yes!
Last Time You Had Sex: never.
Horror Flick: tim.
Tropical Fruit: grapefruit. (...)
Slam Pig: hamlet! ?
Lost In the City Sounds: carhorn.
Lollipops: charlie.
Gift Shopping: sucks.
Cannibalism: good. (I scare me now more than ever.)
Love: nice.
Demons: friends.
Best Friend Crying: leemealone.
Revenge on the one you Hate: yes.
Garbage: bleah.
Book: YES.
One-Night Stand: no.
Green: red.
Blue: green. ?
Black: good.
Red: blood.
Yellow: johanna.
Life: meh.

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