I feel...: complacent
Jammin' to: some random orchestra piece that i don't know the title ofIn case there was something you didn't know about me -- and wanted to.*insert big pink smilie ribbon here*Why only spread awareness in October? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PIX!! photobucket.com/alb ums/e72/BryenAndBenF orEver/ (yes those really are my "patriotic" hands) Some cool quotes from Gerard from Mcr: · "That's what happens when you're all borderline psychotic and therein lies the beauty of this band - our duality. There's a duality to each band member too. There's a desire to have this constant conflict. If we write a write a song and it turns out really poppy, we have to make the lyrics really fucked up. There's psychosis to everything we do for sure. One day we're probably gonna write this number one pop tune that will be about a massacre!" I really like this next one, it explains a lot about why I tend to obsess about this band: · "If for one minute you think you're better than a sixteen year old girl in a Green Day t-shirt, you are sorely mistaken. Remember the first time you went to a show and saw your favorite band. You wore their shirt, and sang every word. You didn't know anything about scene politics, haircuts, or what was cool. All you knew was that this music made you feel different from anyone you shared a locker with. Someone finally understood you. This is what music is about." JDAIS!!! CPC!!! RumRunner!!! *unofficial* Pothead!!! SIPTEA (but I still can't remember what it means!)!!! um... -*Knock Knock* -"Who's there?" -"You know" -"You know who?" -"That's right, Avada Kedavra!" Alan shook his head. "That's about as unlikely as the notion that the Horseman killings were actually just a series of unfortunate shaving accidents." "Now that's uncalled for, damn it." I got bored with the profile, so here's a new one. Not much more exciting but more random. Comme moi. Incidently, I'm 16, a junior in high school, a girl, a Christian, an *official* thespian (meaning I'm a member of the International Thespian Society) and very democratic, but will probably register as independent just to make life slightly easier. And if that doesn't work, I'll just add another box on and mark it none of the above. Salut, je suis ennuyeuse. Peux- quelqu'un parler francais? Mon *grammar* est tres mal. Peux-quelqu'un m'aider???? J'en ai besoin! For those who care, I'm not actually British. Not that you can hear me talking, but.... Talking like I am is just a symptom of YKYRTMHPW... you speak with British accent. It's also a side effect of YKYLTTMOTBW... again, you speak with a British accent. *incidentally, YKYRTMHPW = you know you've read too much Harry Potter when... and YKYLTTMOTBW = you know you've listened to too mych of the Beatles when...* *ahem* I would just like to point out that I am not the only known sufferer of YKYLTTMOTBW...! I have just discovered that the Rumrunners's own Anns is also afflicted by this! Good to know it's not just me, mate ! Wisdom of various haunts of mine: The Rumrunners: One of Rollvieh's sigs ~ Dogs are sons of bitches. The Harry Potter boards: ~ Harry James Potter: Pissing off Lord Voldemort since 1981. The MCR boards: ~ if 7-11 is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, why are there locks on the doors? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sigs I would use, but they're either inappropriate or so odd, it's ludicrous *I'm hornier than a three-balled tomcat. *Fuckity fuck! *It's a chair... IN A BAG! *Futt bucker [not really, a friend of mine says this all the time and I can't help but laugh at it] *I dig a pony *Trolls can kiss my butt *Fedoras rock my sox *I dig shirts and ties (even though I'm a girl) *Pop-ups can kiss my butt too Random things/Amusing Anecdotes *if your mum ever tells you not to make a face 'cause it might stick, pay her heed: a member of my family used to make a face when she got irked or even pissed, but she's made it so much that it's become the norm for her. So now you can't even have some warning if she's getting mad, you just have to guess. Not fun. You can't even disagree with her 'cause she takes it personally and it's just -- well -- bad. Please go to my website, I really like it, and you should too! It's really random (like me) and it's very pointless (like me), but all the same check it out!!! please? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Random Stuff about Me: Fave Movies *Phantom of the Opera *PotC *Back to the Future trilogy *Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (let's boogie!) *Chocolat *Kate and Leopold *French Kiss (what can I say? I am an azzhole) *You've Got Mail *Sleepless in Seattle *Dave *What Women Want *The Wedding Planner *Maid in Manhatten (yeah, I'm a sucker for romantic comedies) *What's Eating Gilbert Grape *Blazing Saddles *Robin Hood: Men in Tights *Spaceballs *Young Frankenstein *Silver Streak *Timeline (sucks compared to the book, though) *Lethal Weapon *Angels in the Outfield *Sleepy Hollow *Edward Scissorhands *Secret Window *Reign of Fire *Saw *The Princess Bride (inconceivable!) *Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban *Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets *Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone *M*A*S*H (TV) *M*A*S*H (movie) *Escnaba in da Moonlight (nanomo', nanomo') Fave Books *Harry Potter series, JK Rowling *Artemis Fowl series, Eoin Colfer *He Sees You when You're Sleeping, Mary and Carol Higgins Clark *The Wish List, Eoin Colfer *The Supernaturalist, Eoin Colfer *Cut, Patricia McCormick *Le Fantome de l'Opera, Gaston Leroux *Left Behind series, Tim LaHaye and Jerry B Jenkins (scared the shit outta me) *Amhearst Mystery series, Gayle Roper *The Prayer of Jabez for Teens, Bruce Wilkinson *Timeline, Michael Chricton (sp?) *Girl meets God, Lauren F Winner *Babylon Rising, Tim LaHaye and Greg Dinallo *Complete Works, William Shakespeare *Rocket Boys, Homer H Hickam, Jr *M*A*S*H, by Richard Hooker *Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Robert Louis Stevenson *The 2,000 Year Old Man in the Year 2000, Mel Brooks and Carl Reiner Fave Songs/Albums *American Idiot, Green Day *I So Hate Consequences, Relient K *Home, Three Days Grace *End of the Beginning, David Phelps *Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge, My Chemical Romance *Notes (from PotO), Andrew Lloyd Webber *Breaking the Habit, Linkin Park *One Step Closer, Linkin Park *Numb, Linkin Park *Andy Williams' Greatest Hits, Andy Williams (yeah, I'm lame, it's a gift) *Kids!(from Bye Bye Birdie), ??? *Until..., Sting *Rockafellar Skank, Fatboy Slim *Take Back your Mink (from Guys and Dolls), ??? *Let it Be... Naked, The Beatles *Hymn for a Sunday Evening (Bye Bye Birdie), ??? *Double Trouble (from HP:PoA), John Williams *Brain Stew, Green Day *Runnin' with the Devil, Van Halen *Humans Being, Van Halen *Beverly Hills, Weezer *Scars, Papa Roach *Pieces, Sum 41 *Fall to Pieces, Velvet Revolver *Welcome to the Jungle, Guns 'N Roses *Sweet Child o'Mine, Guns 'N Roses *If I Die Tomorrow, Motley Crue *Vertigo, U2 *Whatsername, Green Day (yes I know it's on American Idiot, but I really like this song) *Best of You, Foo Fighters *Sooner or Later, Breaking Benjamin *Sympathy of Destruction, Megadeth *Seek and Destroy, Metallica *Mr Brownstone, Guns n' Roses *Paradise City, Guns n' Roses *Appetite for Destruction, Guns n' Roses *Dr Feelgood, Motley Crue *Reach for the Sky, Social Distortion *You Brought Me Your Bullets, I Brought You My Love, My Chemical Romance Fave Time of Day 2.10 pm (when I get out of school) Least Fave Time of Day 7.30 am (when school starts) Various Articles of Clothing I Find Interesting or Intriguing *Fedoras kick butt, no contest *White guys shirts and plain black ties *Bucket hats, especially from Cedar Point *Converse high tops, but they have to be really ghetto and have holes 3-5 inches long in the sides -- like mine *Really long, billowy sweaters *Really long, billowy cloaks *Really long, billowy robes *Anything really long and billowy *Pajamas. Pajamas are hot, just not at school, it makes you look like you just rolled out of bed (yeah, in some cases you did just roll out of bed, but you don't have to flaunt it) *Anything denim: jeans, jackets, denim kicks butt *Those broomstick skirts, good fun on windy days... extra shorts, anyone? Without 'em, you just look like Marilyn M -- onroe (ha! you thought I was gonna say Manson! alright, so you didn't, way to burst my bubble) Characters I've Made Up in Vain Attempts at Fanfics (you wanna hear their backstory, PM me) *Reilly Jeanne Lupin, Remus' sister, Harry Potter *Sagitta Nigellus, 16-year-old daughter of Phineas, Harry Potter *Some random American chick, Artemis Fowl *Colette Broucher, French/English surgeon in the Korean War, M*A*S*H (TV) *Bryen McNamara, American surgeon in the Korean War, M*A*S*H (TV) (this name also serves several other purposes of mine, but they're not really fanfics, so they don't belong here) *Hannah Rose Radcliffe, close friend of Ichabod Crane's, Sleepy Hollow (the movie, not story) Video Games I Like *Spyro the Dragon *Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage *Spyro: Year of the Dragon (the Spyro games made under Universal suck) *Ratchet and Clank *Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando *Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal *Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back *Crash Bandicoot Warped *CTR (Crash Team Racing) *Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit (PS1 version) *Grand Theft Auto: Vice City *Lara Croft Tomb Raider (but I have no idea which one, I need to find out) *Snood *Circus Atari *Kirby's Avalanche *Warlords (Atari 2600, not arcade-style) *Keystone Kapers (Atari 2600) Some Really Stupid Poetry that Proves Insomnia isn't a Good Thing *Deviled Ham Deviled Ham, You're like the Baltic Sea: Oh, deviled ham, You're very salty! Deviled ham, You're hard to beat, You go so well On a slice of wheat! But Deviled ham, You I'd never nuke: You already look And smell like puke! But all the same I must admit: You sure as hell Make a good sandwich! thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week... *Rum 'n Apples A bottle of rum Is hard to beat While waiting on A sandy beach. But first an apple Must be enjoyed Before good rum May be employed. Rum 'n apples Will woo said strumpet; Sorry, Will, Jack and she've already done it. [/poetic voice] And I'm working on one about the Green Banana of Tortuga, but it will unfortunately have to wait for another sleepless night... could be a while... Things I Wanna Do Before my 20th Birthday *Learn Metallica's "Seek and Destroy" on the guitar *Meet Drew and Mike *Go to a Green Day concert *Have my first kiss on a moonlit beach with one of the guys I like with Taking Back Sunday's New American Classic playing in the background (I'm such a romantic) (This is top on my list...!) Things I Wanna Do before my Demise *Meet/work with: ~Tom Hanks (who, awesomely enough, is a member of the International Thespian Society! Like me! Woot!!!) ~Gerard Butler (*gets warm fuzzy feeling thinking of him*) ~Johhny Depp ~Mel Gibson ~Cary Elwes ~Daniel Radcliffe ~Jason Isaacs ~J K Rowling ~Michael J Fox ~Matt Damon ~Heath Ledger ~Hugh Laurie ~Alan Alda ~and many more... *Go to Hawaii *Go to the Grand Canyon *Stay in London for a short time *Stay in France for a short time *See a local band get famous (that'd kick butt) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And now, for personal use, a compilation of sigs I want to used at some point: *I never make mistakes. I thought I did once, but I was mistaken. *I drive way too fast to worry about cholesterol *If you're too open-minded, your brain will fall out *Everything I say is fully substantiated by my own opinion *dain bramaged *Sarcasm: just one more service I offer *Mom, Dad... I'm Gaelic *Et tu, Dufus? *I can't remember what I forgot to forget *Doesn't expecting the unexpected make the unexpected the expected? *I've stopped listening, why haven't you stopped talking? *Remusology: the Study of Remus *I can't hear you... I've got a banana in my ear *Stupid people make my brain sad *333 -- I'm only half-evil *Davey Jones' Locker -- Lancashire, England *I work for God: the retirement benefits are great *To err is human, to forgive divine, and neither is Marine Corps policy *Mirror mirror on the wall... what the %&#@ happened? *OC overly caucasian. Do not place on a dance floor *I'm sorry but I don't know any words small enough for you to understand *It's all fun and games till someone loses an eye -- then it's HOCKEY! *and your point is...? *Good morning is an oxymoron *Even if the voices aren't real, they have some pretty good ideas *Has anyone ever just hauled off and hit you? *A good lawyer knows the law, but a great lawyer knows the judge *Instant human, just add coffee * So many books, so little time *Make it idiot proof and someone will make a better idiot *needs supervision *I have multiple personalities and none of them like you *The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits *Who are you and why are you reading my sig? *I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it *When you're right no one remembers, when you're wrong no one forgets *They say I have ADD but they just don't understand. Oh look, a chicken! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ According to http://www.go-quiz. com/acronym/, I am: Responsible (riiiiiiight)Edgy (don't doubt it) Misunderstood (probably) Useful (if you say so) Strange (really? i hadn't noticed) Perhaps... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ok, that's enough of that. Watermelon! *a la Willy Wonka* wow PeaceRemus
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