I feel...: sick, but not puking like him
Jammin' to: *How Merrily We Live* [it's a madrigal]
K, well, time for une autre update (I'm so glad I figured out the markups for this).
This is just to explain my "interests" thing in my bio...yes I know that it seems that I feel that every little thing I do requires an explanation...
So, to business. MCR...well k that's flipping obvious. AFI...that is too. You've Got Mail...that's my favoriteist romantic comedy ever, it's such a feel-good movie, I like to watch it when I'm sick (like right now. God I've been sick so friggin' much this school year! Gahhhhh!). Tom Hanks...he's an incredible actor and if he wasn't forty years my senior and I knew him, he'd be off the market (if you know what I'm sayin'), I love that guy. Gerard Way...great voice, the lead singer of [if you don't know you are unworthy of reading this, so bugger off -- I solly, I swear a lot when I'm sick], and I really think he could be a great actor too, judging by the Ghost of You video, boy do I love my actors lol. Acting...well that might have something to do with it, it's one of my favoriteist activities in the world to do, I dunno, like I've said before, I get a high off acting, it's exhilherating (I can't spell). Theatre...see above. Stage...yeah, doi. Guitar...I'm learning how to play (chanson par chanson) but I love the instrument and I looooove my baby -- it's an Ovation Celebrity!! AAHHHH!! Music...yeah, music is my life, I've loved music from day one, it doesn't matter what kind just so long as it's got a rhythm and pitch (k, rap does NOT count, k?). Madrigals...by far the most fun type of song to sing, lots of "fa la la"--ing, but they've got fun melody/harmony lines and the words are quite -- erm -- interesting. Henry Ford...he's just a cool guy, I find him fascinating, "History is bunk!"
K so that's that.
That is all.
Peace out
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