
alrighty then

I feel...: perfect
Jammin' to: MCR *Skylines and Turnstiles*
So yeah...
I totally gave this link to my friend from camp...after totally forgetting what I said...Damn my memory!
But that's ok, 'cause I've got stuff I can throw in a "friend's" face should she and I fight! Yay!!
But back to the guy...every time I talk to him, I'm reminded why I like him. He's so sweet, he likes drama and music, he's cute, he's funny...he's like everything I want in a guy. And he's not four years my senior (like yet another crush)! Cool! But I have to say congrats, he and his girlfiend are celebrating eleven months today -- may it continue. 'Kay, yeah, sounds funny coming from a girl crushing on him, but like I told him earlier, if he's happy with her, more power to them. And he's gonna read this later, and talk to me and be all "hey you keep talking about me, what's up with that" or whatever. You know what? I don't care. Yeah. I give up. It takes so much more energy to try to make everyone happy than to just be yourself and damn the consequences. I tried doing this before, and it lasted like two days. But I mean it this time (I think). If people aren't going to accept me for me, then fuck them. They're not worth my time.
It's late, and I'm tired as hell. I'm going to bed now.
Night all.
That is all.
PS Hey Pie jesu domine... dona eis requiem... -- In answer to your question -- I'd say the depression has currently passed. Till I see my choir director on Friday, that is. I am so not looking forward to that. *shudder*
PPS If you don't know what the hell pie jesu domine dona eis requiem means -- IT PROBABLY DOESN'T APPLY TO YOU, SO FUCK OFF :-D

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