
*waves awkwardly*

So I was browsing the blogroll of a blogger I read fairly regularly, and what to my wondering eyes should appear but the name of this li'l ol' blog. I'd be willing to bet that hits have not increased due to this phenomenon, but on the off-chance...

If you wound up here from OCICBW... I hope you don't expect very eloquent, reasonable, or relevant entries. This sucker's up here for my poor 20-year-old brain to let the teen emotions run rampant. It's my free space where I can bitch and moan about things that really don't need it, and generally be petty (and as far as the basket case is concerned, pathetic). Occasionally I have thoughts that could be expanded upon, but that rarely happens, so good luck finding those entries.

Right. Disclaimer over. If you're new - welcome to the idiocy, and good luck getting out again.



God help us.


God only made me so Fate would have something to laugh at.

I mean that in good humour, incidentally, not in a God-hates-me kind of way...

But some days I wonder what His intentions were. I was just sitting here, pondering why I seem to be attracted to every guy I know...and lo and behold, the cause of the basket case appears on AIM.

Look, God, mate...I'm glad You've got a sense of humour. In fact, it gives me hope that I won't end up in hell. But what the hell?? I guess it makes sense, considering You created all things, including shadenfreude...but come on!


Who is this dame, anyway?

Little old church ladies. We all know 'em. We all love 'em (or love to hate 'em). They're the feisty ones that own the kitchen and keep the young whippersnappers in line. When I was younger, they scared me. I kid you not. They were tall (as I say, I was younger...), they had the final say, they had biting wit (or just scathing insults)...oy. As I've gotten older, I've seen the feistyness as the brilliant sarcasm it truly is, and in some weird way it gives me a glimpse of what these women were like when they were younger - I'm actually seeing who they are, rather than the stuffy church personality. But even with that - even finding out that these women are the most hilarious people I know...

They are some of the scariest broads.

And they are the people I aspire to be. Look at their qualities - unafraid to speak their minds, willing to come across as harsh and crotchety (even though they're just being brutally honest), fighting for what they believe in, and being completely and totally themselves. That cinches it for me. I don't know how to be myself, and I envy older women that. One of these days, I'll get there...but in the meantime, I reckon I've got a ways to go. But eventually - oh yes - I will be a little old church lady, who looks like she should be wearing a skirt (but has slacks on), who looks like she's got bon-bons in her purse (but really it's chock full of pain meds and memory aids), who plays basketball and can't work out why that's a bad thing (because it's totally possible to forget that you're 90)...Little old church ladies rock.
