
I'm At It Again

...I think.

I'm searching again (still?)...if you know what I'm talking about and have any ideas, please step forward and lemme know, eh? I'll figure it out for myself, but I'll take all the help I can get.



Dusty Footprints

are creepy as hell.


Aw Jeez

The shit just might be going down. Excuse me while I grab a poncho.

I could go into it all right now, but frankly, I just don't feel like it.

Instead I'll only say: in this moment, it's giving me butterflies; later tonight, I'll likely be relieved; by the weekend, I'll be thrilled that Porthos is finally coming up. By then, I should need a break from the crazy storm that's wreaking I-House as I type.

Maybe I'm jumping to conclusions; I don't know. I mean, I think I know how it's gonna go, and I know how I kinda want it to go...but maybe I'm not right. It happens decently often, y'know, so...or is that just me not wanting to face the now-inevitable hurricane of insanity?

I don't know.

Other than that I'm golden. Relaxed, life is good...there just happens to be a nasty storm looming.


Update: 2009年 2月 19日 Yes, the shit hit the fan. And frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.


Why Do I Only Have to Pee When I'm at the Computer? Really.

Yet again, I sit here wanting to write.

But can I?


Alas, alack, I have nothing to write about. I wish I did. Really, I do. But I don't.

In completely non-related news, Porthos may be joining us this weekend. It'll be the first time les Trois Mousquetaires are together since that crazy thing a couple days after Christmas. And I'm excited. It'll be good. ...so long as he can come out here. Guh, variables in equations are obnoxious.

In more non-related news, I really really really wanna watch JC Superstar. I haven't seen it in ages, and frankly, I miss it too. It's not one I watch around people though - that bugs me for some reason. Maybe I'll bite the bullet and watch it this weekend as part of the Musical Extravaganza of les Trois Mousquetaires. Man I hope that works out.

Who has a canker sore on the inside of her lip? Three guesses. Betcha can't figure it out.

It occurred to me what a waste of blogspace this thing is. I'm not actually making really astute observations or anything, and a lot of what I say doesn't make sense (gee, kinda like this entry here...). So what's the point? Ah, fear not, constant reader, I shan't take it down. Oh no. There are worse than this out there.

I wanna watch Sweeneh again too.

I'll shut up now.



Tell Me Where Is Gandalf For I Much Desire To Speak With Him

Who is someone you wish you could fix things with?
I'm not sure how badly I want to fix things, frankly.

What's​ one thing​ you'​ve learn​ed from a good relat​ionsh​ip gone bad?
Set your bounderies with how much you take early on. After a while, it's a bitch to try to establish them.

Is there​ anyth​ing in your past that you'​d like to try again​?​
Not have been so socially awkward. No, really. And maybe not have procrastinated so long with certain things.

Who do you like to spend your nights with?
Myself, usually. But sometimes friends. (Roommates are a given. =P)

Are you an emoti​onal perso​n?​
Not in the slightest. *cough*

Are you self-​consc​ious?​
See 'emotional'.

What's something that can always make you feel better?
Marypants, or just alone time in general with a movie and some tea.

Why did your last relationship end?
None to speak of.

Do you miss it?

Do you tend to make relationships complicated?
Don't think so.

Who do you feel the most comfo​rtabl​e aroun​d?​
My Marypants. And mom.

Favorite flavor of Vitamin Water​?
The one that looks like piss. (But no ink.)

One thing​ you'​re looki​ng forwa​rd to?
Marypants returns tomorrow! With a chess set I hope! And spring break - 'cause then I get to go home!

Hones​tly,​ what do you smell​ like right​ now?
Clean clothes and deoderant.

How do you feel about change?
Meh. If I don't like something, bring the change on. If I do, I'll let it die with difficulty.

What are you not looki​ng forwa​rd to?
Trying to get alone time with Marypants next weekend.

What are your plans​ for your next birth​day?​
Too far off, so fuck if I know.

Do you even care about​ your birth​day?​
Meh. I'm pretty bipolar about it.

Do you think​ anyon​e in gener​al out there​ loves​ you?
Family and friends do, but other than that? Good question. And right now, I couldn't give two flying fucks.

Do you still​ talk to the perso​n you LAST kisse​d?​
Still none to speak of.

Have you ever seen your best frien​d cry and how do you feel about​ it?
Yeah, I have. AWKWARD. If anyone cries around me, it's just...well...awkward.

Who's the secon​d perso​n on your misse​d call list?​
No idea. And too lazy to check.

What is your favor​ite ring tone on your phone​?​
Badinerie. Woo monophonic ring tones!

What were you doing​ at midni​ght last night​ ?
Wondering why I was still up.

What did your last text messa​ge you recei​ved on your mobil​e say?
Probably my mom letting know where I could reach her if I needed her.

Do you belie​ve that every​thing​ happe​ns for a reaso​n?​
Yeah, but sometimes it's a bitch to accept.

What color​ are the curta​ins of your room?​
At school, it's a red shower curtain. Classy, I know.

If you could​ push one perso​n off of a mount​ain,​ who would​ it be?

Where​ did you get the shirt​ youre​ weari​ng and what is it?
Mah mommeh got it for me for Christmas - and it's purply goodness.

Is anyth​ing bothe​ring you right​ now?
Mum's the word.

Whats​ the weird​est thing​ you'​ve ever heate​d up in a micro​wave?​
Soap. But it was in class, so it probably doesn't really count.

Are you a cuddl​er?​

Does anyth​ing hurt on your body right​ now?
My feet aren't too happy with me.

Have you ever liked​ someo​ne who treat​ed you like crap?​

Have you ever seen a zebra​?​
Probably a bajillion years ago at the zoo.

Are you offen​ded by dumb blonde​ jokes​?​
No. They're hysterical.

If you could​ go back and chang​e somet​hing,​ would​ you?
Deja vu...

What does your hair look like right​ now?
Pulled back, and something resembling crap. I'm so ready for it to grow out again.

Has anyon​e disap​point​ed you recen​tly?​
Recently? No. I don't think...no.

Will this weeke​nd be a good one?
So far it's been a tad 'meh', but who knows what tomorrow will bring.

How did you get the idea for your profi​le name?​
The nickname I dubbed myself, then my name as far as my fellow musketeers are concerned.

Look to your right​,​ what do you see?
A wall with a wad of gum on.

Have you ever done somet​hing to insti​gate troub​le?​
I don't think so, no. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think so.

Your relationship status?
Very single. And very happy.

Have you ever felt replaced?
Not so much anymore, but yeah.

Where do you wish you were right now?
Here isn't bad - it's some of the people that are the problem. Well, only one. But we won't get into that.

Have a crazy side?
Spend a day on my floor and see if you really want to ask that again.

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Ma mere.

Do you trust anyone right now?
Oh yes. I know I can trust her more, too, I...just don't.

Have you done anything you regret in 2009 so far?
Don't think so.

Last person to text you?

What should you be doing right now?

What are you listening to?
The drone of some machine somewhere in the building.

And now for something completely different. A ridiculous video that most of the world has seen before.



The "Disjointed Thoughts" Panel is Now Closed.


Every summer, for one week only, I counsel at the camp I used to attend. Some would say (me included, on some days) that I'm not especially suited to the job - the form of Christianity I "practise" is rather far from what they'd likely prefer (but they keep asking me back so whatever). But I keep doing it, because I want to and I figure it's something I ought to do. One of my campers from this past summer wrote to me in December. And let me tell you - that letter was full of difficult stuff. The terrible person in me hasn't replied yet - I haven't yet figured out how. I don't know what to say. I need to write her back though, for both our peace of mind. I need to feel like I've at least tried to do something. I don't know.

A kid I knew at church before I graduated went to NY to try his hand on stage and screen. As far as I can tell, he's been busy, but not a blockbuster. But I worry about him; where he's at, how he is, what life's throwing at him. I miss him.

I had my dorm room to myself this weekend, as did my suitemate. Our roommates had gone to an anime convention for the weekend, and let me tell you, silence has never been so golden. I was finally able to vent my many frustrations about my suitemate with my best friend...and we realised, through thick and thin, we're stuck with each other. There's been plenty of internal turmoil in the relationship recently, but we're still tight. I like that. It's good to know that even when one of us *cough*usuallyme*cough* starts shit, we muck through it and fling it at whoever tries to follow. Anyway, my room's again full of people. I need to start a curfew - after such-and-such a time, exuent omnes, I need down time, yo.

So far, keeping up with homework's going decently. It's beginning to be a half-assed job, but I think a lot of that is my current mood. With any luck it'll change this week and I'll actually do what I'm supposed to. What a concept.

Did I already throw the gist of my new story-idea-thing up here? I don't remember. *checks* Yup, there it is. Down there.

I'm pretty much obsessed now with The Mentalist. I need a life outside of TV, movies, and literature, I think. Make my human interactions a bit more interesting.

As far as guys are concerned...I'm as pathetic as ever.

I'm running out of things to say, so I'm surrendering.
