
Still No Cursive. Ah Well.

Back to Brandon.

Apparently I'm not truly over him. I've noticed it before, but tried to ignore it. I still love the guy. A lot. Man I suck. I kept thinking about him Saturday night (I got left to my thoughts - that's bad), and it was pretty pathetic. Then I dreamt about him last night. We were at church, and I knew he was coming, so I kept watching for him. Well, I finally found him. Sitting next to Martha. I know I say a lot that if that's the way he chooses to go, c'est la vie. I think I could deal...not happily, but I could live. Which I guess says something about me...though I'm not sure what.

This is a pretty lame entry. It could have been better except for the part where I have class in ten minutes. Urgh.

Hopefully I'll be fully engaged in class! If not...yikes.