I feel...: contemplative
Jammin' to: "Kingdom Hearts" *Dearly Beloved* (from the menu screen)
Anywho, there really hasn't been that much going on. Going to one of my best friend's b-day party tomorrow, should be great... Um, still a bit pissed about the play. I was really looking forward to that too! Goddamn it! For some odd reason I was really relaxed and confident in the audition, but wasn't on the callback list. But I just figured, well, "just because you're not on the callback list doesn't mean you don't have a part; just because you're on the callback list doesn't mean you have a part." What total bullshit. Almost everyone on the callback list got a fucking part. One of my other friends got the lead, so I guess I should be happy for him. But still, it really fucking pisses me off.
Other news... I've added a crush to my already too long list. Problem is, that means I've had to add him under one of the subheadings. Guess which one? Fucking gay. Nothing wrong with that, but that pisses me off 'cause I'll never have him. Gahhhhhhh! Damn alternative lifestyles. And I'm really jealous of a friend in the UK -- if her mom'll let her, she gets to go to the PotC: DMC premier in London! Life is so not fair. And if you're wondering what the hell PotC: DMC is, go here: http://www.imdb.com/register then here: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0325980/board/threads and start a new thread and ask. K? Enjoy. Yes I'm there, as Remus07. Keep looking, really, I'm there.
Oh, and I watched "A League of their Own" yesterday after school, and the whole time I watched Tom Hanks. It was kinda creepy; in almost everything he did throughout the movie, I saw my cousin! No, really, if my cousin's college ever did a production of that (why they would do that, I have no idea) he'd be great as that character. Can't remember his name. I swear, I could give a fucking Alzheimer's patient a run for his fucking money with this fucking memory.
I really shouldn't vent when I'm on my period, it makes me bitchy and I swear a lot.
What else, what else...? Oh, I got in a car accident a few weeks ago. Yup, first Friday of February. I was out with a couple friends of mine, one of whom the guy who's girlfriend's bro... yeah, him, and we were messing around with the CD player in the car and rear-ended a guy. Scary. The radiator on the van was busted, the left headlight popped out (but still working, go figure), and the hood wouldn't open, and my other friend (who was driving) got the ticket... she won't be driving for a while...
Damn I write a lot.
That is all.
PS Fave quote from one of my fave movies: "Oh fuck wank bugger shitting arse head and hole!" Go translate and enjoy.
PPS Fave Bible verse: 2 Corinthians 6:4-10.
PPPS Talk about complete opposite ends of the spectrum...
Incredible Ecstatic-ness *slightly raises one eyebrow*
I feel...: cheerful
Jammin' to: MCR *Helena*
Yeah, so I dropped the class that was the main source of stress, and it's only been one day but I already feel so much better! Also, my mom relented and I've auditioned for the spring play at school! Under the stipulation that I keep up schoolwork and if grades begin to drop I'm out of the show (however I won't even find out about callbacks til tomorrow -- I'm not counting on getting a part either), but if I get a part I will absolutely keep them up! Wouldn't want to let the cast down would I? And now I sound really cocky, dammit... I hate it when I sound like that...
So just thought I'd bring anyone who's reading this up to speed on my newfound emotional and mental state.
That is all.
Jammin' to: MCR *Helena*
Yeah, so I dropped the class that was the main source of stress, and it's only been one day but I already feel so much better! Also, my mom relented and I've auditioned for the spring play at school! Under the stipulation that I keep up schoolwork and if grades begin to drop I'm out of the show (however I won't even find out about callbacks til tomorrow -- I'm not counting on getting a part either), but if I get a part I will absolutely keep them up! Wouldn't want to let the cast down would I? And now I sound really cocky, dammit... I hate it when I sound like that...
So just thought I'd bring anyone who's reading this up to speed on my newfound emotional and mental state.
That is all.
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